Italian PS association image

This Saturday and Sunday see’s the annual conference of the Italian Poland Syndrome Association (AISP) conference in Tuscany.  Its a 2 day event and its open to members, friends and supporters of the organisation including families.  With the help of experienced professionals and volunteers, young and old, they will talk about the issues related to the different stages of life with Poland Syndrome.

They will also talk about the scientific innovations carried out by the Technical and Scientific Committee of Doctors who work with the association.

Over the weekend the young people in attendance will attend recreational and educational workshops with crafts and music amongst many other things, so there really is something for everyone.

The Italian Poland Syndrome Association are one of the most established and accomplished Poland Syndrome organisations in the world and here at PIP-UK we are excited about the work they are doing and would really like to emulate some of it in the UK, we only wish they were nearby so we could be there.  We would love to work with them in future and the Poland Syndrome Support Group UK to put on a similar event in the UK one day…watch this space.

If you would like to find out more about the event you can visit their website by clicking here.  If you use Google Chrome it will give you an option to translate, if your web browser doesn’t so this you can always use google to translate.