Living With Poland Syndrome – Stuart (interview)
The PIP-UK team interview Stuart about his Poland Syndrome journey and how he feels about the Poland Syndrome Community Register. Video Transcript: Sam 0:03 Okay, welcome, everyone. We’re back in our series of talking about our global Poland Syndrome...Poland Syndrome – Female Experience
Poland Syndrome – Female Experience. Today we share a story sent to us by Elizabeth Page: When I was born 31 years ago, my ribs were concaved. My mom said it was kind of as if I was folded in half. They rushed me off and after a while let my dad know what was...Poland Syndrome – Female Struggles
I was diagnosed with Poland Syndrome at age 8. With precocious puberty, I was already on edge about how my body was developing, so when I noticed my breasts beginning to differ by multiple cup sizes with no end in sight, it really affected my ability to view myself...Poland Syndrome 1940’s baby
Throughout life I have tried not to let the disability hold me back and have had a career in scientific research. I have driven a manual car for the last 50 years and I have always played sport. I have played football, rugby, golf and squash at a not very high level at various times in my life. I still fly fish and go for a jog several times a week.