sharingWe were recently contacted by a mum whose daughter, aged 9 months, was born with Poland Syndrome and she wanted to know how her daughter’s body would change as she grew older and if there was anything she could do to help her.

This is a common request from people who contact PIP-UK. It is important that we are able to reassure parents and give them as much information as possible. Mum’s main concern was her daughters lack of pectoral muscle.

Everyone is different so different solutions suit different people. The lack of the pectoral muscle may be more noticeable and also have more of an effect on you as you grow older. For a female it is possible to wear a prosthesis inside your bra, there are different types available. Surgery is also an option.

There are various surgeries available for females with Poland Syndrome. A muscle transfer, from the back of the body to the front, a breast implant or a transfer of fat are surgeries that are available. These are all surgeries that can be carried out when she is older. You need to speak to your own doctor to discuss what is available to you and what is the best procedure for your child. At PIP-UK we are not medically trained and always advise you to speak to a medical professional.

I explained that she is still very young and too young to have surgery. Surgeons will wait until she is older and her body is more developed before they can consider any surgery.

Children with Poland Syndrome do lead perfectly normal lives so it is important that you teach your child to have a positive body image. They may have problems with this as they gets older and this is when you and they may want to consider surgery.

I told mum about Cindy Sharp’s book,” P.S. You Are loved”. We have several copies of this book here at PIP-UK which we can lend to anyone to read, just ask and we will send you a copy.

“P.S. You are Loved!” Is a collection of inspirational and educational stories from people all over the world that are living and thriving with a rare birth difference called Poland Syndrome. Stories from parents with children, men, women and teenagers, tales that will touch your heart, move your soul and remind you that you are loved.

I sent a copy of the book to this mum. She said “The book has many stories which will help me and my daughter in the future”.

If you would like to borrow this book please contact us and we will be happy to send you a copy.

Note: PIP-UK has been given kind permission by Cindy Sharp to enable us to share her book this way